5th BM@N Collaboration Meeting (20-21 April, 2020)

1st experiment of the NICA project

5th BM@N Collaboration Meeting (20-21 April, 2020)

5th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility was successfully held as a videoconference on 20-21 April, 2020.
Recent results obtained with C and Ar beams were discussed. The focus was on the BM@N results in carbon-nucleus interactions aimed for publication in a refereed journal and on the status of the data analyses of argon-nucleus interactions. Detailed plans to complete the full coverage of the detector set-up for heavy ion physics program were reviewed.

Organizational issues of the BM@N Collaboration were discussed at a separate IB Meeting on April, 20. The minutes of the IB Meeting are accessible at http://ct60068-wordpress-0to18.tw1.ru/meetings/ib-meetings/ (protected).

The timetable of the plenary and parallel sessions can be found at https://indico.jinr.ru/event/1159/timetable/#20200420.