Detector Council

1st experiment of the NICA project

S. PiyadinTechnical coordinator, head of the Detector Board, BM@N chief engineer, infrastructure of the BM@N experimental zone
V. SlepnevCoordination of BM@N and Nuclotron
S. KhabarovElectronics for GEM, CSC, forward silicon detectors
E. KulishGEM detectors
N. ZamiatinForward silicon detectors, beam silicon detectors
R. KattabekovCSC detectors
M. RumyantsevToF-400, ToF-700
S. АfanasievECAL
S. BazylevDAQ
V. YurevichTrigger and T0 detectors
F. GuberZDC (MPD/CBM type)
D. DementevSTS detectors
V. ShutovSlow control