Collaboration Meetings

1st experiment of the NICA project

14th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at NICA (13 – 16 May 2025)

Analysis and Detector Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at NICA (04 – 05 March 2025)

13th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at NICA (08 – 10 October 2024)

12th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (13 – 17 May 2024)

Analysis and Detector Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (12 – 13 March 2024)

11th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (28 – 30 November 2023)

Analysis & Software Meeting of the BM@N Experiment (12 – 13 September 2023)

10th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (14 – 19 May 2023)

9th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (13 – 16 September 2022)

8th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (3 – 8 October 2021)

7th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (19 – 20 April 2021)

6th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (26 – 27 October 2020)

5th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (20 – 21 April 2020)

4th Collaboration Meeting of the BM@N Experiment at the NICA Facility (14 – 15 October 2019)

3rd Collaboration Meeting of the MPD and BM@N Experiments at the NICA Facility (16 – 17 April 2019)

2nd Collaboration Meeting of the MPD and BM@N Experiments at the NICA Facility (29 – 30 October 2018)

First Collaboration Meeting of the MPD and BM@N Experiments at the NICA Facility (11 – 13 Apr 2018)